Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year. I added "Solve a Rubik's Cube" to the list.

26. See how many M&M's I can fit

in my mouth.

Plain: 55
Peanut: 19

I watched You Only Live Twice, bringing the total number of Bond films I've watched so far to seven. The title theme was sung by Nancy Sinatra and I recognized it as the song Robbie Williams sampled for Millennium. Watching the franchise is teaching me a little something about music history, it seems. I'm expecting to find out that Nirvana sampled the theme from On Her Majesty's Secret Service for In Bloom or something. Anyway, I'd rank You Only Live Twice on the higher end of the Bond scale. I think it's the best photographed of the Connery Bond films so far, and Donald Pleasance is pretty much the man.

I finished off another song, "Star Maps", and posted it to the Wire and Light myspace. That makes six originals so far. I'm aiming to have the album done by May.

1 comment:

Malice Blackheart said...

Wow. 55 M&Ms in one mouth?
I am impressed.